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CIFF上海虹桥 | 世界修建大咖齐聚九月虹桥,共话将来

来源:新闻门户     作者:华夏门户     浏览:次     发布时间:2020-05-26

第44届中国(上海)国际家具展览会,将于2019年9月8日如约开启。此次组委会将带来全新大行动,一场可贵的“国际修建设计论坛(International Architecture Design Forum)”,将于当天谨慎进行,让本年的家博会更具招呼力和影响力。

The 44th China International Furniture Fair (CIFF) will be opening on September 8, 2019 in Shanghai. And this year will see the launch of a highly expected program – the International Architecture Design Forum on the same day, which will add even more appeal and influence to CIFF.

中国国际家具展览会(China International Furniture Fair),包围家居行业全规模,汇聚上千国表里著名品牌,每年欢迎数十万专业观众。二十一年来,家博会始终僵持“从展商中来,到观众中去,展商和观众对美功德业的追求就是我们的格斗方针”的办展理念,不绝为行业、财富、企业带来更多更好的代价。我们相信只要每一次用心尽力,就会让全世界看到我们的创新本领和文化品位。

Covering all fields of home furniture, CIFF brings together thousands of well-known brands from China and abroad, and receives hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. Insisting on the concept of "Taking the pursuit of exhibitors and visitors as our goal" for 21 years, CIFF continues to make great contributes to the industry and the enterprises in it. We believe that with every effort we make, we will show our creativity and cultural taste to the whole world.

 CIFF上海虹桥 | 世界修建大咖齐聚九月虹桥,共话将来

此次国际修建设计论坛,由德国著名文化公司Aedes连系家博会筹谋,特邀七位世界级修建设计师,齐聚上海,共话“设计为人:从阿尔瓦罗·西扎的现代主义到数字化将来(Designed for Humans: From Alvaro Siza’s Modernism into the Digital Future) ”这一主题。

The International Architecture Design Forum, co-curated by well-renown German cultural institute Aedes Architecture Forum and CIFF, has invited seven world-class architects to gather in Shanghai, to discuss the topic of “Designed for Humans: From Alvaro Siza’s Modernism into the Digital Future”.

 CIFF上海虹桥 | 世界修建大咖齐聚九月虹桥,共话将来

七位高朋别离是日本藤本壮介修建设计事务所首创人藤本壮介、葡萄牙CH.A修建设计事务所首创人António Choupina、普利兹克修建奖执行理事Martha Thorne、法国XTU修建师事务所连系首创人Anouk Legendre、上海同济大学修建与都市筹划学院传授袁烽、英国伦敦大学学院巴特莱特修建学院传授Mario Carpo、丹麦皇家艺术学院数字技能传授Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen。

The seven distinguished guests are Sou Fujimoto, Founder, Sou Fujimoto Architects, António Choupina, Founder, CHoupina.Architects, Martha Thorne, Executive Director, the Pritzker Architecture Prize and Dean, IE University of Architecture and Design, Anouk Legendre, Co-Founder, XTU Architects, Philip F. Yuan, Professor, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Mario Carpo, Reyner Banham Professor of Architectural Theory and History, Bartlett, University College London, and Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, Professor of Digital Technologies, Centre Leader CITA (Centre for Information Technology and Architecture), Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.

 CIFF上海虹桥 | 世界修建大咖齐聚九月虹桥,共话将来

 CIFF上海虹桥 | 世界修建大咖齐聚九月虹桥,共话将来

 CIFF上海虹桥 | 世界修建大咖齐聚九月虹桥,共话将来

 CIFF上海虹桥 | 世界修建大咖齐聚九月虹桥,共话将来

 CIFF上海虹桥 | 世界修建大咖齐聚九月虹桥,共话将来

 CIFF上海虹桥 | 世界修建大咖齐聚九月虹桥,共话将来

 CIFF上海虹桥 | 世界修建大咖齐聚九月虹桥,共话将来


It is of great importance for CIFF to build a cultural spirit and drive forward-looking design, aiming to reach a higher level of development. Listen to the masters’ insights and feel the power of design. Register as below to reserve your seat. We look forward to joining the forum with you to get closer to the master architects.

主办单元:中国(上海)国际家具展览会、中国对外商业广州展览总公司、红星美凯龙家居团体股份有限公司、Aedes 多半会研究所(ANCB)





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